Yearly Archive: 2014

October 16, 2014

Today we worked on two fundamentals of riding: track and pace.

If we were on the rail, we had to stay 6 feet off it at all times. And as for pace, 4mi/hr for a working walk, 8mi/hr for a working trot, and 12mi/hr for a working canter.

It was a lot more to think about it but it was definitely food for thought, as I’ve never really considered the math of it. It’s always been what feels like is a good distance from the rail, or whether I feel like my paces are working (as in not too collected or extended).

We also worked on accuracy – stopping right next to a cone, or picking up the canter at a certain jump standard, being as accurate as possible. Then trotting into jumps (making sure we rode to the middle of the jump), and cantering away (straight).

We also did a bit about aids: how to ask for a good halt, how to ask our horses to canter, and how to ask for extension etc.

It wasn’t the easiest lesson but it definitely taught me a lot. But hay, that’s what lessons are for. Until next time!


October 14, 2014

Yay for first posts!

Today I had an amazing ride! We got to course around a bit which was fun, and it’s great knowing what I need to work on. We did a 4 stride bending line to the left, to a 3 stride pole to jump, and then right around to a vertical. I definitely need to work on using the hind end of my horse to turn, rather than the face. Whoops. Well, it’s only my fifth ride on him – I still have a lot to learn.

That’s all for now – more on Thursday 🙂



I have only just created this so setting up and will start posting shortly