December 2, 2014

Today I rode my regular horse, except he hadn’t been out for 2 weeks. After a warm up, he seemed quiet enough, so my trainer set up a cavaletti line, which was fun. Then we started doing a trot in jump line. When I was cantering around a bit, he threw a buck in, which I found rather amusing, since it did not cause me any problems. After doing the trot in line a couple times, my trainer set the second fence to only about 2’3 or 2’6, and then I went to it. After he over jumped it, he reared, bucked, and bunny hopped until I went over his head. Luckily, I rolled perfectly and got up without a scratch. I got back on him and trotted him around to quiet him down, and he was fine. He is now going to be lunged before being ridden again!