December 11, 2014

Today there was a rainstorm, so while I still rode since we have a covered arena, conditions weren’t great. A quarter of our arena was flooded despite the high walls in place to block from wind and rain. However, we still managed to exercise two wonderful horses, me on an warmblood type OTTB, and my friend on her pony (the one mentioned in my previous post). It was really great fun, he was such a sweet ride, and while he was stiff at first and bucking a little bit when we cantered, once we got going and he was fully warmed up, he really loosened up and flowed. He tends to chip into jumps, but by the end of the lesson he was getting perfect spots. We only did 2ft since we didn’t want to push him, especially because of his stiffness, but he was great and I’m sure with regular exercise and enough warm up to get out of the stiffness (it’s pretty cold as well so his joints may be having a hard time), he will be a great hunter for someone (he’s only 12 y/o)! Awesome day overall (especially because I love rain)!