Monthly Archive: November 2014

November 6, 2014

Rode my friend’s pony today since she could not, and my regular horse was being ridden by someone else. It was a lot of fun! First we went on a little trail ride, and then we got into the arena and jumped straight into a mini gambler’s choice! I never realised how tiring they are, always looking for the next fence (which is any of them), and counting the strides to time the jump correctly since it’s whatever course you decide. It was great practice though and I hope we can do it again! 😀

November 4, 2014

Regular horse needed some farrier work so I rode a fun jumping pony 🙂

We worked on bounces in a circle, and they are a lot harder than they look. It was good exercise though, and it really required focus. It also incorporated the necessity to allow the horse to jump up to me, instead of jumping down to the horse. 🙂

November 1, 2014

Today we decided to ride wearing onesies! So much fun, and we gave people a laugh.

In our lesson, we worked on transitions and really working the hind end. It was hard, but we’re getting better,

In the afternoon, I was able to exercise my old lease horse and my friend’s horse! Great day 🙂