Monthly Archive: November 2014

November 29, 2014

Today I rode my friend’s superstar hunter pony, which was interesting. He was great, but he’s just not my kind of ride, not to mention I’m too big for him. He was fun though, and he was very well-behaved despite the weather (rainy and dull) and the number of horses in the covered arena (because of the weather).

November 26, 2014

Today I had a group lesson with all of my friends, which was a lot of fun. My friends on the better horses jumped up to around 3’3, and another friend and I were riding the regular lesson horses, and got to course them over smaller jumps. I also got to exercise my regular horse, who was acting like he did before he was lame (he is no longer lame).

November 24, 2014

Rode a pony today, he had so much energy! Flatting him, he really just wanted to run, and then the first time we jumped he galloped completely off center through the line. It was really funny but I was also thinking: how am I going to keep control of him without catching him in the mouth over jumps? Well, I had to hold him to the middle of the jump, sit right up, and two-point over the fence and release, but as soon as he landed I had to sit right back up and half halt, to rebalance him to the next jump. He rode through the line perfectly, and I was satisfied. 🙂

November 22, 2014

Today I rode a friend’s horse (regular horse still off). He is a very pretty Belgian hunter horse. His movement was wonderful, and over fences he was so tidy. Overall it was just a very simple, clean ride. The only thing to note is that he is quite far on the forehand, so he was really down upon landing after jumps, but cantered away smoothly. And his lead changes are STUNNING. 🙂 After my lesson I took a lot of photos of him and with him because he is just so cute! And he’s is super friendly in the barn. Great day. 😀

November 20, 2014

Today I rode my ex-lease again. It was the first of the bad rain for the winter and she was quite hyped up. She was spooking in most places and really wanted to just bolt, but I got some of the energy out of her and calmed her down quite a bit. We did some jumping over small fences to work on equitation more and keeping her under control and calm. She was a sweetheart for the most part, I just love riding her so much!

November 18, 2014

I rode my ex-lease horse today! People have been having problems on her, with her bucking, spooking, and taking off. I decided I would get on and feel her out, see what was up. I warmed up, cantered her over poles with her perfectly centred, and did a course of 5 jumps without any problems, except she got a bit excited and a bit fast, but no problems keeping control. I really love this mare and I feel like we clicked from the beginning, so I think we work really well together. Glad everything still works out between us, so proud of my little girl! 🙂

November 15, 2014

Today I rode my regular horse, and he was a bit lazy at first. The three of us having a lesson together first played follow the leader which was fun, we did a lot of changing directions, two point at trot, circles and some canter work before we started jumping. He started out a bit lazy, a bit slow, and tossing his head a lot because he was too much on his forehand. We did a triple combination of one stride jumps (a pole to start, then a crossrail, then a vertical, and a vertical), and he wasn’t getting his hind end underneath him enough around the corner. As the jumps went up though, I got it more in my head that I really have to balance him up, wait around the corner, and use a lot of leg, and he stopped tossing his head. He also got perfect spots going into the combination. In the end the last jump was 3’3 and I was so proud of him! It was a lot of fun and I’m excited to ride him again soon. 🙂

November 13, 2014

Today I rode my regular horse again. He is back to himself and so much fun! He was a bit lazy but once I got him going he was great. Worked more on using the hind end, everyday he shows more improvement. We only went up to about 2’6 or 2’9 but he was a fun and I love riding him again. 😀

November 11, 2014

Today my friend and I rode two ponies, and they were so sweet. We jumped them around a bit and practiced a little course, and I could tell the ponies were definitely enjoying themselves. Afterwards we walked them around the track to let them cool off and relax which they really liked. 🙂

November 8, 2014

Rode another friend’s pony today! (Regular horse had another lesson)

Straight to the arena and warmed up, and he was energetic! Then we set up a little course, and although I felt like the pony was really small, he had a lot of jump! And since it was a wonderful day, after our lesson we got to hack around and got some really nice cantering going! 😀

And I also got to get on him bareback a little later on (only walk/trot) but he had a mind of his own! He was chasing around one of the other ponies and it was hilarious! 🙂